STI Single Pathogens
STI Single Pathogens
RevoDx CT/NG qPCR Kit
Gonorrhea, or infection with the gram-negative coccus Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is a major cause of morbidity among sexually active individuals worldwide. Like other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), gonorrhea disproportionately impacts young adult populations. There are genital symptoms such as discharge, burning during urination, unusual sores, or rash. N. gonorrhoeae infects the mucous membranes of the reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes in women, and the urethra in women and men. It is spread during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. A pregnant woman may also pass the infection to her baby during delivery. Anyone who has gonorrhea can pass it on, even without symptoms.
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common bacterial cause of sexually transmitted genital infections. Most affected individuals are asymptomatic and thus provide a constant reservoir for infection. Conjunctivitis and pneumonia may occur in infants born to mothers through an infected birth canal. Also, both men and women may experience clinical syndromes due to infection in common epithelial sites, including the rectum and conjunctiva. Other types of C. trachomatis infection can occur in both men and women, including lymphogranuloma venereum, an ocular infection that spreads by direct contact and is common in developing countries, and endemic trachoma. Symptoms such as painful urination, vaginal discharge in women, discharge from the penis in men, painful sexual intercourse in women, bleeding between menstrual periods and after sexual intercourse in women, testicular pain in men are seen.
Intended Use
RevoDx CT/NG qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA.
RevoDx Troponema pallidum qPCR Kit
Syphilis, a re-emerging public health problem worldwide caused by Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum (T. pallidum), usually induces systemic and chronic inflammation in hosts who do not receive timely therapy after exposing to high-risk factors such as leprous sexual contact. Before the treatment, rapid and accurate detection of syphilis is essential.
The genomic DNA sequence of T. pallidum comprises a circular chromosome of 1,138, 006 nucleotids long. The G+C base composition about 52.8%. There are a total of 1041 predicted ORFs, with an average size of 1023 bp. The organism has a comparatively small genome and only 55% of T. pallidum’s 1041 open reading frames are recognized to have a biological functio.
Intended Use
RevoDx Treponema pallidumqPCR Kitis a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Treponema pallidum DNA.
RevoDx Neisseria Gonorhoeae qPCR Kit
Gonorrhea, or infection with the gram-negative coccusNeisseria gonorrhoeae, is a major cause of morbidity among sexually active individuals worldwide. Like other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), gonorrhea disproportionately impacts young adult populations. There are genital symptoms such as discharge, burning during urination, unusual sores, or rash. N. gonorrhoeae infects the mucous membranes of the reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes in women, and the urethra in women and men. It is spread during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. A pregnant woman may also pass the infection to her babyduring delivery. Anyone who has gonorrhea can pass it on, even without symptoms.
Intended Use
RevoDx Neisseria GonorrhoeaeqPCR Kitis a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae DNA.
RevoDx Chlamydia Trachomatis qPCR Kit
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common bacterial cause of sexually transmitted genital infections. The majority of affected persons are asymptomatic and, thus, provide an ongoing reservoir for infection. In infants born to mothers through an infected birth canal, conjunctivitis and pneumonia can occur. Moreover, both males and females can experience clinical syndromes due to infection at common epithelial sites, including the rectum and conjunctivae. Other types of C. trachomatis infection, including lymphogranuloma venereum and endemic trachoma, an ocular infection spread by direct contact and seen commonly in the developing world, may occur in both males and females. There are some symptoms such as painful urination, vaginal discharge in women, discharge from the penis in men, painful sexual intercourse in women, bleeding between periods and after sex in women, testicular pain in men.
Intended Use
RevoDx Chlamydia TrachomatisqPCR Kitis a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA.
RevoDx Mycoplasma Genitalium qPCR Kit
Mycoplasma genitalium is the smallest known self-replicating bacterium. It lacks a cell wall and hence cannot be detected on Gram staining of a specimen. M. genitalium is predominantly found in the genitourinary tract of both sexes. It evades the adaptive immune system by establishing intracellular infection (possibly due to its tip-like structure), but also by antigenic and phase variation of its surface-expressed proteins. M. genitalium infection may persist for months or years in asymptomatic individuals. It is found in genital specimens of 15-25% of men with non-gonococcal urethritis and 10-13% ofwomen with pelvic inflammatory disease. Although the pathological consequences of M. genitalium infection are thought mainly to be due to host response, M. genitalium has been shown to directly cause cilial damage in human fallopian cell culture.
Intended Use
RevoDx Mycoplasma GenitaliumqPCR Kitis a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Mycoplasma Genitalium DNA.
RevoDx Mycoplasma Hominis qPCR Kit
Mycoplasma hominis is a common mollicute bacteria, present in almost all humans in the urinary tract. However, it can sometimes cause infection which can be transmitted sexually. It is different from other STIs, in that monogamous couples can suddenly experience mycoplasma hominis even after years of exclusivity. Mycoplasma hominis is transferred from one person to another by having sex with an infected person and can also be spread from an infected pregnant mother to the baby during delivery. It may also be the culprit behind developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women. Mycoplasma hominis can also increase the risk of contracting HIV infection if having sexual intercourse with an infected person and may promote a shorter time period before the development of AIDS symptoms.
Intended Use
RevoDx Mycoplasma HominisqPCR Kitis a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Mycoplasma Hominis DNA.
RevoDx Ureaplasma Urealyticum qPCR Kit
Ureaplasma urealyticum is a type of bacteria that can cause infection of the urinary tract and vagina. It can be passed from mother to infant during birth or be sexually transmitted. Ureaplasma urealyticum can be found in a majority of sexually active people, most of whom are asymptomatic. Infection with U. urealyticum can contribute to neonatal infection and negative birth outcomes. U. urealyticum has been noted as one of the infectious causes of sterile pyuria. It increases the morbidity as a cause of neonatal infections. It is associated with premature birth, preterm rupture of membranes, preterm labor, cesarean section, placental inflammation, congenital pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis, fetal lung injury and death of infant. Ureaplasma urealyticum is associated with miscarriage. In addition, this pathogen may latently infect the chorionic villi tissues of pregnant women, thereby impacting pregnancy outcome
Intended Use
RevoDx Ureaplasma Urealyticum qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Ureaplasma Urealyticum DNA.
RevoDx Ureaplasma Parvum qPCR Kit
Ureaplasma parvum is a species of Ureaplasma, a genus of bacteria belonging to the family Mycoplasmataceae. Ureaplasma parvum has been identified as being a commensal in the uterus as part of the microbiome in healthy women of reproductive age. Ureaplasma parvum is often found in the urinary or genital tract and can be transmitted through sexual contact. Ureaplasma parvum, an opportunistic pathogen of the human urogenital tract, has been implicated in contributing to chorioamnionitis, fetal morbidity, and fetal mortality. It has been proposed that the host genetic background is a critical factor in adverse pregnancy outcome as sequela to U. parvum intra-amniotic infection. This can lead to pain during urination, a burning sensation and unusual discharge, plus redness and inflammation around the site of infection.
Intended Use
RevoDx Ureaplasma Parvum qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Ureaplasma Parvum DNA.
RevoDx Gardnerella Vaginalis qPCR Kit
Gardnerella vaginalis is an anaerobic bacterium that resides in the normal vaginal flora. Normally, vaginal flora is predominated by the Lactobacilli species, but when organisms such as Gardnerella begin to overgrow and become the dominant species, this leads to bacterial vaginosis (BV). The bacteria are thought to be sexually transmitted between partners and can create a biofilm that progresses into BV. BV is the most common cause of vaginal discharge. Of clinical consequence, BV is associated with preterm birth and increased risk for acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). G. vaginalis is associated with bacterial vaginosis, which may be asymptomatic, or may have symptoms including vaginal discharge, vaginal irritation, and a “fish-like” odor.
Intended Use
RevoDx Gardnerella Vaginalis qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Gardnerella Vaginalis DNA.
RevoDx Haemophilus Ducreyi qPCR Kit
Haemophilus ducreyi, a fastidious gram-negative bacterium, is the causative agent of chancroid, a genital ulcer disease (GUD). The organism is usually spread during sexual intercourse through microabrasions, and the disease usually manifests as multiple painful superficial ulcers associated with inguinal lymphadenitis. As a result of the painful nature of the lesions, patients usually seek immediate treatment, and asymptomatic carriage is therefore uncommon. In addition to causing GUD, H. ducreyi has been found in several recent studies to be a major cause of chronic skin ulceration in children from developing countries. It is characterized by painful necrotizing genital ulcers that may be accompanied by inguinal lymphadenopathy. It is a highly contagious but curable disease.
Intended Use
RevoDx Haemophilus Ducreyi qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Haemophilus Ducreyi DNA.
RevoDx Trichomonas Vaginalis qPCR Kit
Trichomoniasis (or “trich”) is a very common STD caused by infection with Trichomonas vaginalis (a protozoan parasite). Infection is more common in women than in men. Older women are more likely than younger women to have the infection. Symptoms of trichomoniasis usually develop within a month of infection. But up to half of all people will not develop any symptoms (though they can still pass the infection on to others). The symptoms of trichomoniasis are similar to those of many other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so it can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. In women, the infection is most commonly found in the lower genital tract (vulva, vagina, cervix, or urethra). In men, the infection is most commonly found inside the urethra. Men with trich may notice; itching or irritation inside the penis; burning after peeing or ejaculating; and discharge from the penis. Women with trich may notice: iItching, burning, redness or soreness of the genitals; discomfort when peeing; and a clear, white, yellowish, or greenish vaginal discharge (i.e., thin discharge or increased volume) with a fishy smell.
Intended Use
RevoDx Trichomonas Vaginalis qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Trichomonas Vaginalis DNA.
RevoDx Haemophilus Influenzae qPCR Kit
Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) is a type of bacteria that can cause several different kinds of infections. These bacterial infections can range from mild, such as ear infections, to severe, such as bloodstream infections. The infections typically affect children younger than 5 years old. They also affect people who are immunocompromised, such as those with certain medical conditions. Some H. influenzae infections are “invasive,” which means the bacteria invade parts of your body that are normally free from germs. For instance, H. influenzae can invade the fluid surrounding your spinal cord and brain, which can cause meningitis. Meningitis is the swelling of the lining of your brain and spinal cord. Invasive diseases usually require hospital treatment and can sometimes be fatal.
A species of considerable medical importance, P. aeruginosa is a multidrug resistant pathogen recognized for its ubiquity, its intrinsically advanced antibiotic resistance mechanisms, and its association with serious illnesses – hospital-acquired infections such as ventilator-associated pneumonia and various sepsis syndromes.
Intended Use
RevoDx Haemophilus influenzae qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Haemophilus influenzae DNA.
RevoDx Mycoplasma Hominis/Genitalium qPCR Kit
Mycoplasma hominis is a common mollicute bacteria, present in almost all humans in the urinary tract. However, it can sometimes cause infection which can be transmitted sexually. It is different from other STIs, in that monogamous couples can suddenly experience mycoplasma hominis even after years of exclusivity. Mycoplasma hominis is transferred from one person to another by having sex with an infected person and can also be spread from an infected pregnant mother to the baby during delivery. It may also be the culprit behind developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women. Mycoplasma hominis can also increase the risk of contracting HIV infection if having sexual intercourse with an infected person and may promote a shorter time period before the development of AIDS symptoms. Mycoplasma genitalium is the smallest known self-replicating bacterium. It lacks a cell wall and hence cannot be detected on Gram staining of a specimen. M. genitalium is predominantly found in the genitourinary tract of both sexes. It evades the adaptive immune system by establishing intracellular infection (possibly due to its tip-like structure), but also by antigenic and phase variation of its surface-expressed proteins. M. genitalium infection may persist for months or years in asymptomatic individuals. It is found in genital specimens of 15-25% of men with non-gonococcal urethritis and 10-13% of women with pelvic inflammatory disease. Although the pathological consequences of M. genitalium infection are thought mainly to be due to host response, M. genitalium has been shown to directly cause cilial damage in human fallopian cell culture
Intended Use
RevoDx Mycoplasma hominis/genitalium qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium DNA.
RevoDx Ureaplasma Parvum/Urealyticum qPCR Kit
Ureaplasma parvum is a species of Ureaplasma, a genus of bacteria belonging to the family Mycoplasmataceae. Ureaplasma parvum has been identified as being a commensal in the uterus as part of the microbiome in healthy women of reproductive age. Ureaplasma parvum is often found in the urinary or genital tract and can be transmitted through sexual contact. Ureaplasma parvum, an opportunistic pathogen of the human urogenital tract, has been implicated in contributing to chorioamnionitis, fetal morbidity, and fetal mortality. It has been proposed that the host genetic background is a critical factor in adverse pregnancy outcome as sequela to U. parvum intra-amniotic infection. This can lead to pain during urination, a burning sensation and unusual discharge, plus redness and inflammation around the site of infection. Ureaplasma urealyticum is a type of bacteria that can cause infection of the urinary tract and vagina. It can be passed from mother to infant during birth or be sexually transmitted. Ureaplasma urealyticum can be found in a majority of sexually active people, most of whom are asymptomatic. Infection with U. urealyticum can contribute to neonatal infection and negative birth outcomes. U. urealyticum has been noted as one of the infectiouscauses of sterile pyuria. It increases the morbidity as a cause of neonatal infections. It is associated with premature birth, preterm rupture of membranes, preterm labor, cesarean section, placental inflammation, congenital pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis, fetal lung injury and death of infant. Ureaplasma urealyticum is associated with miscarriage. In addition, this pathogen may latently infect the chorionic villi tissues of pregnant women, thereby impacting pregnancy outcome.
Intended Use
RevoDx Ureaplasma Parvum/Urealytıcum qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of Ureaplasma Parvum and Ureaplasma Urealytıcum DNA.
RevoDx CT/NG plus Mycoplasma Hominis qPCR Kit
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common bacterial cause of sexually transmitted genital infections. Most affected individuals are asymptomatic and thus provide a constant reservoir for infection. Conjunctivitis and pneumonia may occur in infants born to mothers through an infected birth canal. Also, both men and women may experience clinical syndromes due to infection in common epithelial sites, including the rectum and conjunctiva. Other types of C. trachomatis infection can occur in both men and women, including lymphogranuloma venereum, an ocular infection that spreads by direct contact and is common in developing countries, and endemic trachoma. Symptoms such as painful urination, vaginal discharge in women, discharge from the penis in men, painful sexual intercourse in women, bleeding between menstrual periods and after sexual intercourse in women, testicular pain in men are seen. Gonorrhea, or infection with the gram-negative coccus Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is a major cause of morbidity among sexually active individuals worldwide. Like other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), gonorrhea disproportionately impacts young adult populations. There are genital symptoms such as discharge, burning during urination, unusual sores, or rash. N. gonorrhoeae infects the mucous membranes of the reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes in women, and the urethra in women and men. It is spread during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. A pregnant woman may also pass the infection to her baby during delivery. Anyone who has gonorrhea can pass it on, even without symptoms. Mycoplasma hominis is a common mollicute bacteria, present in almost all humans in the urinary tract. However, it can sometimes cause infection which can be transmitted sexually. It is different from other STIs, in that monogamous couples can suddenly experience mycoplasma hominis even after years of exclusivity. Mycoplasma hominis is transferred from one person to another by having sex with an infected person and can also be spread from an infected pregnant mother to the baby during delivery. It may also be the culprit behind developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women. Mycoplasma hominis can also increase the risk of contracting HIV infection if having sexual intercourse with an infected person and may promote a shorter time period before the development of AIDS symptoms.
Intended Use
RevoDx CT/NG plus Mycoplasma Hominis qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection and identification of nucleic acids of the Chlamydia Trachomatis, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and Mycoplasma Hominis in urine samples or urogenital swabs or cervical swabs from both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.
RevoDx Mycoplasma genitalium/Ureaplasma Parvum/ urealyticum qPCR Kit
Mycoplasma genitalium is the smallest known self-replicating bacterium. It lacks a cell wall and hence cannot be detected on Gram staining of a specimen. M. genitalium is predominantly found in the genitourinary tract of both sexes. It evades the adaptive immune system by establishing intracellular infection (possibly due to its tip-like structure), but also by antigenic and phase variation of its surface-expressed proteins. M. genitalium infection may persist for months or years in asymptomatic individuals. It is found in genital specimens of 15-25% of men with non-gonococcal urethritis and 10-13% of women with pelvic inflammatory disease. Although the pathological consequences of M. genitalium infection are thought mainly to be due to host response, M. genitalium has been shown to directly cause cilial damage in human fallopian cell culture. Ureaplasma parvum is a species of Ureaplasma, a genus of bacteria belonging to the family Mycoplasmataceae. Ureaplasma parvum has been identified as being a commensal in the uterus as part of the microbiome in healthy women of reproductive age. Ureaplasma parvum is often found in the urinary or genital tract and can be transmitted through sexual contact. Ureaplasma parvum, an opportunistic pathogen of the human urogenital tract, has been implicated in contributing to chorioamnionitis, fetal morbidity, and fetal mortality. It has been proposed that the host genetic background is a critical factor in adverse pregnancy outcome as sequela to U. parvum intra-amniotic infection. This can lead to pain during urination, a burning sensation and unusual discharge, plus redness and inflammation around the site of infection. Ureaplasma urealyticum is a type of bacteria that can cause infection of the urinary tract and vagina. It can be passed from mother to infant during birth or be sexually transmitted. Ureaplasma urealyticum can be found in a majority of sexually active people, most of whom are asymptomatic. Infection with U. urealyticum can contribute to neonatal infection and negative birth outcomes. U. urealyticum has been noted as one of the infectious causes of sterile pyuria. It increases the morbidity as a cause of neonatal infections. It is associated with premature birth, preterm rupture of membranes, preterm labor, cesarean section, placental inflammation, congenital pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis, fetal lung injury and death of infant. Ureaplasma urealyticum is associated with miscarriage. In addition, this pathogen may latently infect the chorionic villi tissues of pregnant women, thereby impacting pregnancy outcome.
Intended Use
RevoDx Mycoplasma genitalium / Ureaplasma Parvum/Urealytıcum qPCR Kit is a real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection and identification of nucleic acids of the Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma Parvum and Ureaplasma Urealytıcum in urine samples or urogenital swabs or cervical swabs from both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.

- Ready-to-use in tube format
- Human RNase P as an internal control
- Assay duration: 45 mins
- Diagnostic specificity is ≥ 99 %
Ordering Information
Product Name | Package | Cat. No. |
RevoDx CT/NG qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202241 |
RevoDx Chlamydia Trachomatis qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202242 |
RevoDx Mycoplasma Genitalium qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202243 |
RevoDx Mycoplasma Hominis qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202244 |
RevoDx Ureaplasma Urealyticum qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202245 |
RevoDx Ureaplasma Parvum qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202246 |
RevoDx Gardnerella Vaginalis qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202248 |
RevoDx Haemophilus Ducreyi qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202249 |
RevoDx Streptococcus Agalactiae qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202251 |
RevoDx Haemophilus Influenzae qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202252 |
RevoDx Listeria Monocytogenes qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202253 |
RevoDx Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia qPCR Kit | 100 tests | IP202260 |